PS3SACD Site Admin

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Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2013 1:10 pm Post subject: Sony aborts DRM in (video section of) PlayStation Store |
From Advanced Television:
Sony aborts DRM in PS Store
Posted by Nik Roseveare on Jul 16 2013
Sony has confirmed that it will no longer be using digital rights management (DRM) in the video section of its PlayStation Store, allowing users to download purchased movies and TV shows as many times as they desire on PlayStation 3 consoles, PS Vitas, and Xperia smartphones and tablets.
Previously once video content was purchased it could not be re-downloaded beyond the first attempt, and disappeared completely from the Download List once used.
Sony’s new policy states that, “If you purchase a copy, the video or TV show download will be available infinitely and can be transferred to other enabled devices”.
The change brings Video Unlimited in line with most other download services, such as iTunes and Amazon Video, and is not just in preparation for the PlayStation 4 but also the introduction of more exclusive content from Sony Pictures – including tie-ins with future Resident Evil and Spiderman movies |